Title I Distinguished School
A Title I Distinguished School is a Title I school among the top 5% Schoolwide and top 5% Targeted Assisted Title I schools in the state that have the highest absolute performance for the all-students group based on the current statewide assessment.
5 Star Climate Rating
Schools receive a 1-5 star rating, with five stars representing an excellent school climate, and one star representing a school climate most in need of improvement. Mount Zion Elementary has a 5 Star Climate Rating!
Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl
Congratulations to our Mt. Zion Elementary Reading Bowl team. They won 1st place in the District Competition at Ithica Elementary on January 24th.
Academic Team
Our Mt. Zion Elementary Academic Team is on fire! They have won first place in the last two Academic Meets! We can't wait to see what they do at county. Go Eagles!